Thursday, March 31, 2011

Let's play catch up.

I didn't start baking because I wanted to start a blog; I wanted to start a blog because I started baking. So, I've got to get caught up on the last few "cupcake creations" I've made.

January 29th-- I was already on bedrest and getting my first taste of REAL cabin fever. My wonderful boyfriend was keeping me as much company as possible but I needed more human contact. So, I planned a birthday party. For my cats. Don't laugh.

Rosie (on the left) and Enzo (on the right) were turning 1 about a week apart.

Besides the fact that I treat my kittens as my biological children, I needed a reason to make some cupcakes. I found this adorable paw print candy mold by Wilton, which inspired me to create the following:

The cupcakes are white with a vanilla bean buttercream. I also made chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting that are not pictured. I made two types of paw prints: peanut butter with chocolate toes (pictured) and vice versa- chocolate on peanut butter. I'll have to dig up a picture of the other style somewhere from my family. Both were garnished with peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles. They were dee-licious!

Hello World!

Well, I guess this endeavor needs a bit of a preface. In the section over on the right, you can read why I'm on bedrest. I've got Dysautonomia- a dysfunction of my Autonomic Nervous System, which effects my brain and heart. The girls at my day job at a bank got tired of having an ambulance on speed dial and my doctor finally said, "enough is enough!" So, my days are now spent at home experimenting with medication and experimenting with cupcakes. (I really prefer playing with cupcakes... the only side effect is weight gain!)

Why did I decide on cupcakes instead of knitting or scrapbooking? Good question. To be honest, I don't have the slightest idea. I've always been a creative person, so I wanted to do something that allowed me to decorate, mold, and draw. I've also always loved to cook (thanks, Dad!), so cupcakes seemed to fit the bill.

I won't post every day, I don't have enough people to give cupcakes to! But I solemnly swear to post pictures of the cupcakes I do make, be they good or bad.