I didn't start baking because I wanted to start a blog; I wanted to start a blog because I started baking. So, I've got to get caught up on the last few "cupcake creations" I've made.
January 29th-- I was already on bedrest and getting my first taste of REAL cabin fever. My wonderful boyfriend was keeping me as much company as possible but I needed more human contact. So, I planned a birthday party. For my cats. Don't laugh.

Rosie (on the left) and Enzo (on the right) were turning 1 about a week apart.
Besides the fact that I treat my kittens as my biological children, I needed a reason to make some cupcakes. I found this adorable paw print candy mold by Wilton, which inspired me to create the following:
The cupcakes are white with a vanilla bean buttercream. I also made chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting that are not pictured. I made two types of paw prints: peanut butter with chocolate toes (pictured) and vice versa- chocolate on peanut butter. I'll have to dig up a picture of the other style somewhere from my family. Both were garnished with peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles. They were dee-licious!