Monday, July 18, 2011

Fourth of July Cupcakes!

So, my "about me" section (to the right) says I'll share the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm still trying to determine where this next cupcake creation fits. I tried making red velvet, which I've tasted only once and never cooked before. It tasted great, looked... eh... not red. (see below). These were baked for a family get together on the Fourth of July.

I guess I should preface all of this with some big news. I had a pacemaker put in on June 30th (the "bedrest" in "Cupcakes on Bedrest"), and baked cupcakes on July 3rd. Am I crazy? Probably. My left arm was strapped to my side so my boyfriend's mother helped with much of the grunt work. I used a random recipe with good ratings off the internet, and will look for another one or use my friend's recommendation the next time I attempt red velvet. As you'll see in the not-so-professional, last minute photographs, the cupcakes are brown. Did I use too much cocoa powder? too little food coloring? I simply don't know. The bottom line: the cupcakes tasted good, looked patriotic, and would've passed as german chocolate if I didn't tell anyone otherwise!

I topped them with the traditional cream cheese frosting, some sprinkles, and homemade (from the package) sugar cookies (which were decorated with one hand, an interesting experience).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Confetti Cuppies

This post will be short and sweet, and it is well overdue! I made these babies a few weeks ago when my boyfriend, Martin, received some good news at work. Funfetti is his favorite, and I'll never know why. He could walk away from a vanilla cupcake but if there's little sprinkles in it, sign him up! (Especially when they're swimming in chocolate frosting and more sprinkles.) I made these from a boxed mix, but used my own chocolate frosting and some sprinkles I had around. They're adorable, yummy, quick, and easy!

(Aren't the cupcake liners adorable?)

I made some cupcakes last weekend for Fourth of July, I'll blog those with pictures soon! They were interesting to make, because I had a pacemaker put in on the 30th and my left arm was strapped to my side. In retrospect, I really should've videotaped the whole process for your viewing pleasure. C'est La Vie!